i made this robot with my team to present Indonesia in International Robotic Olympiad 2010 Queensland, Australia. This robot is made according to the competition theme: saving our water future.
Finally, this robot, BANYU-BOT is the 4th winner of International Robotic Olympiad 2010
What is banyu-BOT ?
banyu-BOT is a mobile water filtration explorer made by RILEKS, INDONESIA. It is included the ability to filter water from its exploring area.
The robot is able to explore because it is controlled by bluetooth and has wireless camera to send what it is in front of the robot and what landscape this robot is about going through.
Another important feature of this robot includes the big strong wheel, which make this robot able to explore various landscape.
The robot also has a water tube to suck the water from the ground and also able to excrete watering, so it can be filtered. It also has water door on the robot which makes another water source is rain water.
It explores and filters at the same time. This useful robot can help human to get better water easier.
Why banyu-BOT ?
According to national geographic magazine Nov 2010, there are 900 million people lack access to safe water.
Water is very important compound and all people needs it. Unfortunately, due to global warming and high pollution clean water is decreasing.
banyu-BOT helps people to find water and able to filter it in the same device. It is also portable and simple enough to be used.
In impoverished rural area, clean water is often miles away from people who need it which leads people to drink unhealthy water to quench their drought and leading them to waterborne disease infection. It holds very useful function.
banyu-BOT is an aesthetic mobile water filtration explorer which also has the additional function for watering plants on the environment anytime the operator wants.
First, the robot gets its water from two water inputs: water door on the top of the robot and water pump in front of the robot. Then the water will be filtered from the first stage of filtration until it gets to the storage.
In the storage, the water will be sterilised again to get excellent water quality. The storage also holds water sensor to send information for the water input to stop taking in the water when the water reaches the sensor. So it the input will off automatically.
The robot is mobile and holds a wireless camera to give information from the robot location to the PC.It is moved by motor DC so the motor will be enough to move the heavy robot.
There are two accesses for water input: water door and water pump trunk. They both bring water to the first stage of filtration.
Water door has a role to get rain water while the trunk takes surface water through vacuum pump. Both input will be stop taking water when the water in the storage reaches the water height sensor.
Water height sensor is made by connecting copper wire from one iron into another iron. Then if the electricity connected, it will stop the work of both water inputs.
This is the most important part of this robot because the main function of the robot is to filter the water source from trunk and water door.
The filtration layers are combination of water filtration traditional method with the modern one.
First water passes through the ceramics layer which is also contain radio active to filter and eliminate odors from the water. Then later the water passes through carbon active to eliminate the water odor and detorify harmful metals,
Then, the water is filtered by gravels so that it eliminates the residue of unwanted carbon active which is continued by cotton layer.
The filtration is continued by fiber polyester and carbon activated polyester to clean residue from the water. The particles also filtered by 5 micrometer layer so that the water will be off from unwanted particles.
The result of the filtration goes out through water tubes anytime the operator desires. The first water tube is located at the back of the robot and has PIR sensor which can detect if there is a human desires to get the water out from the storage. The second water tube is also located at the back of the robot. The water tube guides the water to flow to the front of the robot. Thus it has the function to give watering to any spot the operator desires while the operatoir can control it all with bluetooth mio and a wireless camera.
The robot movement is controlled by bluetooth from PC. As it is a mobile filtration robot the operator will need far controlling radius.
Four DC motors gearbox are being used for strong enough to move four big tyres of the robot. The tyres should be big, so that it will strong enough to move the heavy robot as it contains water.
Another motor is being used is servo motor. Servo motor is chosen because it is lighter and simpler than DC motor.
This robot has two sensors: PIR sensor and rain sensor. PIR sensor or Passive Infrared Sensor detects measure incoming infrared energy. It detects any body, human and animals because they emit heat. The sensitivity is influenced by the temperature of the body. In this robot, the sensor is applied to detect whether there is human who desires the output water, while there is a home-made rain sensor detects the input water.
A homemade rain sensor is to know if it is raining or not in the outside. To make this, an acryllic glass (insulator) is divided into two regions of aluminium foil (conductor). If there is water touches and connects the two separated regions of aluminium foil, the water will acts as their switch.
The aesthetic values of this robot are located in the robot mechanism which combines traditional water filtration method with the modern one, the casing which shows indonesian culture, and the home-made rain sensor to show its creative value.
This robot which is presented just only the prototype, and it is believed that it might be far more creative and improved its functions to help human being secure water future. The robot might be have additional sensors and tools to enhance the benefits of the explorer robot, for example like putting GPS under the robot so the operator also have further scope and easier effort to move the robot or to enhance the function the operator can also add solenoid so the water can go out automatically anytime we want or lighting UV ray to the water storage to get rid of the unwanted microorganism.
banyu-BOT is a mobile water filtration robot that made by RILEKS team from SMAN 28 Jakarta Indonesia.
The team consists of Aldino Jazmi who sits in 11th grade as the leader and pprogrammer, Asma Rosyidah in 10th grade as the designer and treasurer and Agnes Pingkan in 10th grade as the presenter and data logger.
RILEKS agreed to make the banyu-BOT for IRO 2010 Australia.
Aldino Jazmi
Asma Rosyidah
Design :
Asma Rosyidah
Agnes Pingkan
Aldino Jazmi
Data logging:
Agnes Pingkan
Electronic :
Aldino Jazmi
After succeeding this olympiad, in this month we are going to do our next robot PROJECT JO-ROBO: a multi-function GO GREEN mobile robot that is especially designed for planting a seed, plant nurturing, water filtering and moreover as a pollutant indicator for a national robotic competition in Bandung Indonesia
Labels: australia, banyu-bot, climate change, competition, filtration, future, global warming, international robotic competition, physics, robot, robotics, water