Book DetailsAuthor: Tri Harnoto
Publisher: Galang Press
Year published: 2009
Page number:324
Category: medical
Language text: bahasa Indonesia
Tagline:"Seandainya para dokter mempunyai hati nurani seperti dalam buku ini, niscaya kasus Prita Mulyasari tak akan terulang lagi..."
The Doctor-Catatan Hati Seorang Dokter is a non-fiction medical health book written based on its author experiences, whom is a great doctor that is actually really needed in Indonesia. The author himself is an Indonesian who had abroad to some countries to take higher education. With a bunch of humor senses but keep in a line of medical talking yet, the book is written.
In Indonesia, doctor is a very honored profession. In people's opinion, being doctor is the gate of being rich and yet, it is common to find bias that says, if you a doctor you must be a genius.These opinions sometimes can be said right. Doctor is always needed. People keep sick, there is no time when the whole world are healthy. That's why, doctors keep having their job. But can we accept if the saying, doctors are rich because the medical facilities are getting more expensive?
In this book we can able to perceive the sweet and bitter for being a doctor whose emotion and flawless often neglected by patients and that's why the case of 'a doctor sued by patient'type is not rare. This book will help us for being a good doctor and/or patient by understanding each needs through different eye
Labels: book, doctor, indonesia, medical