HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is like a stubborn youth. It assaults human immune step by step. It's so stubborn until our immune system destroyed after our immune system fights it for years. It's so strong and why does HIV become so deadly?
HIV is a viral invasion which eventually leading in cellular injury. HIV kills immune cells called CD4+ T-CELL, which are very critical to our human immune system. It destroyed human genes by rapidly moving out the DNA in a gene and invade the cell through viral invasion. The viral code the cell to destruct itself and eventually kill itself.
This study of genetical involvement in HIV was involving medical, bioengineer, and bioinformatics from at least three companies that work in science, for instance genechip company called the Affymetrix. Their findings show that HIV suppresses genes vital to immune cell maintenance and repair, while activating a cell-death process called apoptosis.
The resulting data show how effectively HIV invades and take over the host cell's DNA, integrating its own infectious DNA into the host's cellular machinery, poisoning genes and altering the cellular energy source, destroying the cell’s DNA repair mechanism, and setting in motion the cell-suicide process of apoptosis (death-cell process).

The power of HIV to shut down normal genes and activate others is impressive, and begins immediately. Only 30 minutes after exposure to HIV, more than 500 genes were shut down in the infected cells.
By shutting down important genes, and activating others programmed to kill the cell, HIV proves to be a swift and deadly predator.

source: human genome project 2001
Labels: apoptosis, cell, deadly, DNA, genes, genes-chip, HIV, viral invasion