"When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder, a second seems like an hour. That's relativity."
— Albert Einstein
“What is it with science these days? Everyone is so quick to believe in it, in all these new scientific discoveries, new pills for this, new pills for that. Get thinner, grow hair, yada, yada, yada, but when it requires a little faith in something you all go crazy.' He shook his head, 'If miracles had chemical equations then everyone would believe.”
― Cecelia Ahern, The Gift
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Sunday, July 18, 2010
homeostasis is the property of a system, either open or closed, that regulates its internal environment and tends to maintain a stable, constant condition - Claude Bernard It is the process by which the body adjusts its functions to compensate for deficiency. Homeostasis, in conclusion, is the physiology process of every living organism which keep the its internal environment in constant condition. The relatively stable conditions of the internal environment is result from the a physiology mechanism called NEGATIVE FEEDBACK CONTROL.  THis diagram shows NEGATIVE FEEDBACK CONTROL, or in this scenario it goes like this - The level of glucose in the bloodstream drops. The bodies requires glucose in cells to meet the demand for ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate). - The body detects this with a particular receptor designed for this function. - These receptors release hormones ( the chemical message that initiate the start of the feedback mechanism) - The hormones travel to their target and intiate a corrective response, in this case the target is the secretion of more glucose into the bloodstream. Labels: biology, constant, homeostasis, hormones, internal, intro, negative feedback control, physiology
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
a speech about genetic engineering
As a smart human being, i recommend you to start giving attention to genetic engineering. Gentic engineering, the moment of scientist manipulating one's DNA to create another better organism with the desired and better traits with the advancement become potentially able to enhance our living. Genetic engineering, the alteration and manipulation of gentic code by artificial means has brought many controversies of ethics. Yet because it is novel and different from traditional selective breeding, it requires much more advancement so it can be lead our pursuit of science comes true. Genetic engineering is potentially minimizing and perhaps ultimately curing infectious and incurable disease. By implanting the specific genes that have been engineered uniquely designed to eliminate and target correlating gene, it can cure cancer.With genetic engineering, it is also easier for human to get better health. Genetic engineering in food can be used to produce new substances and other food nutrients therefore the genetic modification of foods can increase their medicinal value, greater taste, and yet can survive in harsh condition during planting. Thus making available homegrown vaccines in an efficiently cost. But this new biotechnology invention in its infancy still leave us high and dry with the unanswered questions that mostly correlate to problems with genetic engineering: - Will genetic engineering result in genetic discrimination between those who have been modified and those who have not?- Will our natural resources and the economics of world be able to sustain an ever-growing population with an extended life expectancy?- What are the long consequences?and yet the most common is always asking about the ethic and moral like, - Morally and ethically, do scientist have the right to maipulate nature?With the advancement to despite these very importance concerns our pursuit of science is likely to progress and continue. My hope for this particular time is genetic engineering will be more responsible, objective, morally grounded, and in humanity's best interest. Labels: biology, biotechnology, ethics, genetic, genetic engineering, moral, pros and cons, social science, speech, technology
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
lab on a chip?
Lab On a Chip or LOC is a novel technology based on microfluidics principle. It's a microfluidics device that integrates laboratory function only on a single chip sized in mm-cm. Microfluidics are mechanical flows devices. So its controlled only by very small amount of fluid, not more than a pico size.  This device can save scientist's time from weeks into not more than 24 hours at a crime scene or in a medical purpose. The applications of this device can be in biotechnology, medicine, clinical diagnostic, chemical engineering, and pharmaeutics.  This device seems beneficial right? But some scientist still in a big douvt of using this device in their job. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of LOC. LOCs may provide advantages, which are specific to their application. Typical advantages are: -low fluid volumes consumption (less waste, lower reagents costs and less required sample volumes for diagnostics) -faster analysis and response times due to short diffusion distances, fast heating, high surface to volume ratios, small heat capacities. -better process control because of a faster response of the system (e.g. thermal control for exothermic chemical reactions) - cost effective -safer platform for chemical, radioactive or biological studies because of integration of functionality, smaller fluid volumes and stored energies But yet, it is still a novel technology and therefore it's not yet throughly developed. The low accuracy is not really ccan be ensure and may lead into wrong diagnostic or even the case become more complex. Labels: device, diagnostic, genes-chip, lab on a chip, laboratory, microfluidics, technology
what's wrong with HIV?
HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is like a stubborn youth. It assaults human immune step by step. It's so stubborn until our immune system destroyed after our immune system fights it for years. It's so strong and why does HIV become so deadly? HIV is a viral invasion which eventually leading in cellular injury. HIV kills immune cells called CD4+ T-CELL, which are very critical to our human immune system. It destroyed human genes by rapidly moving out the DNA in a gene and invade the cell through viral invasion. The viral code the cell to destruct itself and eventually kill itself. This study of genetical involvement in HIV was involving medical, bioengineer, and bioinformatics from at least three companies that work in science, for instance genechip company called the Affymetrix. Their findings show that HIV suppresses genes vital to immune cell maintenance and repair, while activating a cell-death process called apoptosis. The resulting data show how effectively HIV invades and take over the host cell's DNA, integrating its own infectious DNA into the host's cellular machinery, poisoning genes and altering the cellular energy source, destroying the cell’s DNA repair mechanism, and setting in motion the cell-suicide process of apoptosis (death-cell process).  The power of HIV to shut down normal genes and activate others is impressive, and begins immediately. Only 30 minutes after exposure to HIV, more than 500 genes were shut down in the infected cells. By shutting down important genes, and activating others programmed to kill the cell, HIV proves to be a swift and deadly predator.  source: human genome project 2001 Labels: apoptosis, cell, deadly, DNA, genes, genes-chip, HIV, viral invasion