"When you are courting a nice girl, an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder, a second seems like an hour. That's relativity."
— Albert Einstein
“What is it with science these days? Everyone is so quick to believe in it, in all these new scientific discoveries, new pills for this, new pills for that. Get thinner, grow hair, yada, yada, yada, but when it requires a little faith in something you all go crazy.' He shook his head, 'If miracles had chemical equations then everyone would believe.”
― Cecelia Ahern, The Gift
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Thursday, April 29, 2010
 The X and Y chromosomes are known as the sex chromosomes, for the obvious reason that they determine the destination of human's gender. Simply, xx is for female and xy is for male. Everybody gets an X from his or her mother, but if you inherited y chromosome from your father you're male; if you inherited x from your father you're a female. Since men(XY) have no spare x chromosome, they are more likely to suffer recessive problems than women. Thus, haemophillia, colorblinndness and ilk are much more common in men's X. This simple predestination can also go wrong and causing aneuplody. Aneuplody (abnormal number) of chromosomes. XXY syndrome and named by the Massachuset founder Klinefelter, a genetic disorder that is giving the patient 47 chromosomes in total (46 for normal). Klinefelter's is a genetic disorder where the man has an extra x chromosome. Usually the patient has small testicle, low testosterone, tall and unpropotional body, and also teeth abnormalities. The disorder is the result of error that occured during the sperm forming during the meiosis Labels: aneuplody, biology, chromosomes, genes
Sunday, April 25, 2010
  Why is the sky blue? What makes the sunset red? The sun produces color spectrum that blends into white lights. The colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet : a rainbow. These are the correspondent of different frequencies and wavelength of light energy. The seven colours of the spectrum all have different wavelengths and they are arranged accordingly. Violet, indigo and blue light have a higher frequency - which means shorter wavelength - than red, orange, and yellow light. When the white light from the sun shines through the Earth's atmosphere, it collides with gas molecules. Those molecules scatter the light. Blue light has a high frequency, and it is scattered ten times more than red light. But, the red light that you see from sunset is not scattered continues on in its original direction. When the sun is on the horizon (the sunset position), its light takes a longer path through the atmosphere to your eyes than when the sun is directly overhead. By the time the light of the setting sun reaches your eyes, most of the blue light has been scattered out. The light you finally see is reddish orange, the colour of white light minus blue. The dust and pollution molecules are also having role in this. Those molecules also scatter the light and make sunset more brilliant. Labels: colors, energy, light, physics, sky, sunset, wave
Saturday, April 24, 2010
BEST INSULTING LINES! taken from many sources
1. Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental! 2. Are you always so stupid or is today a special occasion? 3. As an outsider, what do you think of the human race? 4. I'd like to kick you in the teeth, but why should I improve your looks? 5. At least there's one thing good about your body. It isn't as ugly as your face! 6. Brains aren't everything. In fact, in your case they're nothing 7. Careful now, don't let your brains go to your head! 8. I like you. People say I've no taste, but I like you. 9. Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home? 10. If I had a face like yours. I'd sue my parents! 11. Don't feel bad. A lot of people have no talent! 12. Don't get insulted, but is your job devoted to spreading ignorance? 13. Keep talking, someday you'll say something intelligent! 14. Don't you love nature, despite what it did to you? 15. Don't think, it may sprain your brain! 16. Fellows like you don't grow from trees; they swing from them. 17. He has a mechanical mind. Too bad he forgot to wind it up this morning. 18. He has a mind like steel trap-always closed! 19. You are a man of the world-and you know what sad shape the world is in. 20. He is always lost in thought-it's unfamiliar territory. 21. He is dark and handsome. When it's dark, he's handsome. 22. He is known as a miracle comic. if he's funny, it's a miracle! 23. He is listed in Who's Who as what’s that? 24. He is living proof that man can live without a brain! 25. He is so short; when it rains he is always the last one to know. 26. He is the kind of a man that you would use as a blueprint to build an idiot. 27. How come you're here? I thought the zoo is closed at night! 28. How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open? 29. How much refund do you expect on your head now that it's empty? 30. How would you like to feel the way you look? 31. Hi! I'm a human being! What are you? 32. I can't talk to you right now; tell me, where will you be in the next 10 years? 33. I don't want you to turn the other cheek; it's just as ugly. 34. I don't know who you are, but whatever you are, I'm sure everyone will agree with me. 35. I don't know what makes you so stupid, but it really works. 36. I could make a monkey out of you, but why should I take all the credit? 37. I can't seem to remember your name, and please don't help me! 38. I don't even like the people you're trying to imitate, if you are at all. 39. I know you were born silly, but why did you have a relapse? 40. I know you're a self-made man. It's nice of you to take the blame! 41. I know you're not as stupid as you look. Nobody could be! 42. I've seen people like you, but I had to pay admission! 43. Why are you so stupid today? Anyway, I think that's very typical of you. 44. Do you practice being this ugly? Labels: best, insult, lines
1. Avoid eating out on holidays and Saturday nights. No one will guarantee a highquality food 2. A waiter with a kid to support isn't going to stay home and miss out on his wage because he's gotstrep throat. And these are the people handling your food :p 3. Dont ever make a waiter angry, they can and do spit on your food 4. Don't snap your fingers to get our attention. No one will notice you and its annoying 5. Don't order meals that aren't on the menu. You're forcing the chef to cook something he doesn't make on a regular basis and dont ever think your dish will be as good as you think if they already get used to by their basic menu 6.Splitting entrées is okay, but don't ask for water, lemon, and sugar so you can make your own lemonade. What's next, grapes so you can press your own wine? Labels: food, restaurant, tips, waiters
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Cloning means copying Human cloning brings up myriad of controversies to the world, nowadays. More than just because it's dangerous, but some said it means playing god. Religious says cloning is taking reproduction out from the hands of God.An argument said that cloning may cause the next generation will be man-manufactured, and may causing the price of human will decreasingly drop because by cloning human will get used to treat others like to treat an object. Human cloning aka asexual reproduction can also causing the lack of diversity in human body. In scientist views, human cloning can lead us to be more understand about our species and can help us to find treatment for some incurable disease, e.g cancer or some genetic disorders. The human cloning technique that has succeed to Dolly the cloned sheep, the first mammal that cloned is called somatic cell nuclear technique which an egg cell taken from a donor has its nucleur removes and fused to one that has genetic material. Labels: biology, cloning, genes, genome, techniques
Book Review: The Doctor- Catatan Hati Seorang Dokter
Book DetailsAuthor: Tri Harnoto Publisher: Galang Press Year published: 2009 Page number:324 Category: medical Language text: bahasa Indonesia Tagline:"Seandainya para dokter mempunyai hati nurani seperti dalam buku ini, niscaya kasus Prita Mulyasari tak akan terulang lagi..." The Doctor-Catatan Hati Seorang Dokter is a non-fiction medical health book written based on its author experiences, whom is a great doctor that is actually really needed in Indonesia. The author himself is an Indonesian who had abroad to some countries to take higher education. With a bunch of humor senses but keep in a line of medical talking yet, the book is written. In Indonesia, doctor is a very honored profession. In people's opinion, being doctor is the gate of being rich and yet, it is common to find bias that says, if you a doctor you must be a genius.These opinions sometimes can be said right. Doctor is always needed. People keep sick, there is no time when the whole world are healthy. That's why, doctors keep having their job. But can we accept if the saying, doctors are rich because the medical facilities are getting more expensive? In this book we can able to perceive the sweet and bitter for being a doctor whose emotion and flawless often neglected by patients and that's why the case of 'a doctor sued by patient'type is not rare. This book will help us for being a good doctor and/or patient by understanding each needs through different eye Labels: book, doctor, indonesia, medical
What is love? Love is more than ‘a-butterfly-flutters-in-your stomach’ or ‘flying-to-the-sky’ feeling. It is more than a psychological event when your body holds a strong affection emotion. Have you ever wonder where do those feelings come from? Those ‘stomach-fluttering’ and sudden nervous are called infatuation. What is love? What does it do with infatuation? Why does it make you do foolish admiration? Love is complicated. It is something more than just an L-O-V-E. It is more than a feeling. It is also more than a verb. It is all about chemical reaction events on your body. people that fall in love is cannot control their brain. When we attracted to somebody, with an irresistible of chemicals, our brain makes us to fall in love. Psychologists have shown it takes between 90 seconds and 4 minutes to decide if a person fancies someone. There are many researches of love and its effects to our body. To make the observation easier, a Rutgers University scientist named Helen Fisher has divided the stages of love. Every stage has different hormone chemicals that produced in our brain. The stages are lust, attraction, and attachment. The hormones are serotonin, dopamine, estrogen, testosterone, oxytocin, and vasopressin. Each of them affects different part of brain too. LUSTLust is the first stage of love. According to howstuffworks.com, lust is also known as the desire of love. This experiment is common to be found when human reaches puberty. It plays important role in our life. According to an article by Lisa Diamond, lust and romantic love are two different things caused by different things. Lust evolved for the purpose of sexual mating, while romantic love evolved because of the need for infant/child bonding. Love relationships usually begin with a strong physical and emotional attraction that produces consciousness. Beside works based on estrogen and testosterone (sexual hormones that cause puberty in human development), the brain also saturated with a hormone called endorphin. According to innerworkspublishing.com, endorphin creates the feeling of pleasure that accompany love infatuation. The feeling is same with a person after they eat something pleasurable like chocolate and after they have a strong exercise. ATTRACTIONIf the relationship keeps continue, the next stage is attraction or romantic passion. In this stage, both the woman and man are reeling with romance and passion until they finally find out the true side of each person. The attraction stage can be felt when the person feels the heart is making more sense than his or her brain. “Love is blind” saying is really accurate in this stage. According to Ruth D. Kerce, attraction stage works both in emotion and physics. The physical area is when the body reacts to another’s. It affects the heartbeat systolic rate, temperature rises, palms get sweaty, stomachache, and the throat tightens. Usually, this is called the love symptoms. The emotion affects usually when the couple starts to give interest to each other and do some shares each other about their career, family, etc. It is usually happening when the couple doesn’t do physical activities. The feeling is also usually stronger than physical. According to youramazingbrain.com, scientists believe that attraction stage has three neurotransmitters involved. Neurotransmitter is a chemical that transmits a message between nerve cells in the brain. They are dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin. Dopamine stimulates the rush of pleasure so it makes human become over-excited, adrenaline is increasing human heartbeat rate so it makes them sweat and asphyxiated, and serotonin which makes human can’t stop thinking about their lover in their head. In addition, norepinephrine also produced in this stage. It is similar to adrenaline which is producing bliss and excitement. ATTACHMENT If the couple keeps the strong feeling in attraction stage, they would move to the further stage which is called attachment. Attachment is usually when the couple chooses more serious relationship like marriage. There are two major hormones that have important roles in this stage. Oxytocin produced right on the climax of sexual orgasm during mating. It makes couples feel much closer to one another after they have had sex. It is also responsible for a mum’s breast automatically releasing milk. The important hormone is vasopressin aka anti-diuretic hormone and also produced after orgasm. It works with kidney to control thirst. According to people.howstuffworks.com, each hormone has its own section pathways in the brain. Serotonin flows through frontal lobe in human cerebrum, limbic (storage of memories and emotions, also in cerebrum), and majority in other parts of cerebrum while the norepinephrine flows through the cerebellum (small brain) and the serotonin flows through the hypothalamus which is the control center of all biological daily activities of the body. In conclusion…Human body is amazing. It has division of labor to manage each reaction for complicated chemical feeling, like love. It works in each particular pathways in brain marked that human body is able to manage the biological metabolism and other reaction in specific. The each part of human body has their roles in a purpose of something. Everything manages everything inside human body. Labels: biology, chemical, love, neurology, reaction
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Asthma and Genes
In every biochemical events in body, there are genes. If human body is a book, genes are just sentences of prose written over it. The entire of genetics complements is called genome. Matt Ridley, a British science editor, in his book Genome (1999) painted that if the genome is a book, there are twenty three chapters, called chromosomes. Each chapter contains stories, called genes. Each stories are made up of paragraphs called exons, which are interrupted by advertisements called introns. Each paragraph is made up of words, called codons. The letters of each word are called basses. Ridley whom wrote his book made up chapters that named after 23 chromosomes, exposed all information about each chromosome based on the number of chapter. In human body, the 23 chromosomes are made up by 22 autosomes and a pair of sex chromosomes (xx in female and xy in male). In size, the 22 pairs are numbered by the largest (number 1) to the smallest (number 22). The sex chromosome X is located between number 7 and number 8, while Y is the smallest. Genes are located in a chromosome. In each chromosome, there are 400-4000 genes. Genes are written in three bases or called as codon. The 4 bases are Guanine, Cytosine, Adenine, and Thymine. The bases are written on long chains of sugar and phosphate called DNA. During the replication, A likes to pair with T and G likes to pair with C. For instance, the sequence of ACGT becomes TGCA in the copy form. Besides the gene is able to do replication, it is also able doing translation. The translation starts with the transcription of the gene into a copy by RNA with the same base-pairing process except that it uses letter U for uracil to pair with T. Then a ribosome moves along the RNA copy (messenger RNA) translating each codon into twenty different amino acids. Later, the chain of amino acids forms a protein. In conclusion, every protein is a translated gene. Protein itself also responsible to switch gene on or off for being promoter and enhancer of a particular gene. Unfortunately, during replication mistakes are sometimes made. This is known as mutation. Although genes are small and tiny, this doesn’t mean genes are unimportant. If an error happens in a gene, this may caused flaw in body system. For example, when chromosome 3 is broken it caused a metabolic anomaly disease named alkaptonuria, or like the most famous genetic disease Huntington’s happens because of chromosome 4 mutation and when there is a complete lack in chromosome 4 it may causes rare Wolf-Hirscchorn syndrome, the chromosome 6 if it is broken can cause the problem of human intelligence. In genetic disorder, there is no 50-50 probability you get it or not. You either have mutations, in which case you get these genetic diseases, or you don’t. But, the genetic doesn’t always work in that digital way. Sometimes, it depends on environment too. Like the case of asthma. There are 15 ‘asthma genes’ in all chromosomes (8 genes in chromosome 5, 2 each in chromosome 6 and 12, and 1 each in chromosome 11, 13, and 14). These genes are producing immunoglobulin E aka IgE. According to medterms.com, IgE acts as antibody in our body by eliciting allergen (allergic mucous). Most asthmatics are allergic to something. Asthma, eczema, allergy, and anaphylaxis are syndrome that triggered by IgE. So, that’s why allergic person has asphyxia. Asthma itself is a chronic inflammation in bronchial tube and causing the tightening of the windpipe. How does it correlate with chromosome 5? ADRB 2 lies along in chromosome 5 and it responsible to produce beta-2-adrenergic-receptor which controls the bronchodilation and bronchoconstriction that cause the tightening in bronchus or windpipe. According to American Lung Association, feather, pollen, vigorous exercise, dust mites are the most common asthma triggers. No matter what triggers a person to have asthma, his or her asthma syndrome still triggered by IgE. Sources: Ridley, Matt. 1999. Genome. USA: Harper Collins. Medterms.com Wibowo, Daniel . 2005. Anatomi Tubuh Manusia. Jakarta: Gramedia. Labels: asthma, biology, chemical, chromosomes, genes, genome